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St Bartholomew's Church, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear.

Leonard Evetts' project files relating to the design and execution of a number of windows at St Bartholomew's Church, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne, between 1975-1996.

The first file covers projects installed between 1977-1981. These projects were: a plain glazed window for the baptistry (installed 1977-1978), three plain glazed windows in the nave (installed 1977-1978), a design for a 28 inch square icon dated 1977 (installation not confirmed) and designs for two alter frontals, designed in 1981-1982. This file contains detailed drawings, sketches and commission correspondence. A second file covers projects installed 1993-1996. These were a three-light window in the south aisle (the Addison memorial window) installed in 1993; five small windows in the new chapel installed in 1994; two small windows in the new wing installed in 1995; and three small vestry windows installed in 1996. This file contains detailed designs, sketches, commission correspondence and a programme for the dedication service.

Projects for plain glazed chancel windows installed 1957-1958, and memorial inscriptions completed 1968-1969 and 1983-1984 do not appear to be represented in either file.

St Barnabas Church, Beckenham, Kent.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a number of windows at St. Barnabas Church, Beckenham, Kent between 1951 and 1974. The projects were: a window representing St Martin, in the north aisle of the nave, installed 1951; a window representing St Christopher in the west wall behind the font, installed 1953; the east window, installed in 1958; a window representing the Flight to Egypt in the north wall of the nave, installed 1962; a window representing St Barnabus in the west wall near the door, installed 1974.

The main file contains detailed designs, photographs of the finished design, and commission correspondence. There is also an additional sub-file dating from approx 1999 recording Phyl Evetts' research into these windows in preparation for the book 'Master Designer' (see LE/05/05), one large rolled design drawing housed separately due to its size, and two large flat design layouts housed separately due to size.

St Augustine's Church, Chesterfield.

Leonard Evetts' project files relating to several projects undertaken for St Augustine's Church, Chesterfield between 1951-1962. The file contains design photographs of elements of the west window ('The Seven Sacraments') installed 1951-2, drawings for the memorial window to Doris Trantham depicting St Monica (installed in 1953 in the south wall of the nave), drawings and final designs for the window in the north wall of the nave (installed 1956), and a photograph of a memorial window depicting 'the transfiguration of Christ' installed 1962.

St Anne's Church, Moseley, Birmingham.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design of a west window at St Anne's Church, Moseley, Birmingham, installed in 1967.

The file contains sketches and commission correspondence relating to the project 1964-1967, with some additional correspondence with Leonard Evetts' widow 1997-1999.

St Anne's Church, Leicester.

Leonard Evetts' file relating to the design of the east window in the Lady Chapel at St Anne's Church, Leicester, installed in 1966.

The file contains detailed designs, sketches, and commission correspondence.

St Andrew's Church, Orwell, Cambridgeshire.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of the Great East Window in the chancel of St Andrew's Church, Orwell, Cambridgeshire, installed in 1959.

The file contains sketches and commission correspondence, as well as some additional correspondence about the window dating 1993 and 2001. There is also a large design layout of the window, housed separately due to its size.

St Andrew's Church, Monkseaton, Tyne and Wear.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design of a memorial window at St Andrew's Church, Monkseaton, Tyne and Wear, installed in 1951.

The file contains detailed designs and photographs of the completed window.

Note there is also a St Andrew's newsletter from 1950 in the research files for the book 'Master Designer' - see LE/05/05.

St Andrew's Church, Lamesley, Tyne and Wear.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of windows in the north wall of the nave (installed 1960) and the south wall of the chancel (discussed and designed 1966, but may not have been executed), in St Andrew's Church, Lamesley, Tyne and Wear.

The file contains detailed designs, sketches and commission correspondence.

St Andrew's Church, Girton College, Cambridge.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a window in the east wall of the south aisle of the nave in St Andrew's Church, Girton College, Cambridge, installed in 1958.

The main file contains detailed designs, sketches, photographs of the completed design and commission correspondence. There is also one large design of the East Window, housed separately due to its size.

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