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St Oswald's Church, Hartlepool, County Durham.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to a memorial window in the north wall of the nave at St Oswald's Church, Hartlepool, County Durham, installed in 1971.

The file contains detailed designs, sketches and commission correspondence.

St Oswald’s Church, Flamborough, East Yorkshire.

Leonard Evetts project file for the design and execution of the easternmost window in the north wall of the nave at St Oswald’s Church, Flamborough, East Yorkshire, installed 1967.

The file contains sketches, detailed designs, and commission correspondence.

The file implies that there may also have been a commission for a wooden object (possibly a boat) and for a statue of St Nicholas for the squint, but it's not clear that these went ahead. A squint is a small opening, usually oblique, cut through a wall of a church to enable worshippers either outside or in a chapel a view of the alter.

St Nicholas' Church, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to three projects for St Nicholas' Church, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, between 1956 and 1991.

The projects covered are: File 1 relates to the design and execution of a memorial window in the north wall of the nave, in memory of Ethel Telford and installed 1956; File 2 relates to the design and execution of a chancel window, depicting five symbols of the passion and installed 1977; File 3 relates to the design and execution of the Harbottle memorial window replacing the first window in the Lady Chapel, approx 1985; File 4 relates to the design and execution of the Wilkinson memorial window in the Lady Chapel, installed 1991; File 5 contains an undated drawing for a font ewer, which may relate to a commission to design the font cover in 1955 and undated plans for a memorial plaque in memory of Dr Madge Hopper; File 6 relates to work on an added inscription to the Wilkinson memorial window in the Lady Chapel, remembering Ian Wilkinson's sister Mary, work undertaken 1996-1997.

The files contain detailed designs, sketches photographs and commission correspondence.

St Nicholas' Church, Durham.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a window in the south wall of the south transept in St Nicholas' Church, Durham, installed 1964.

The file contains detailed designs and commission correspondence.

St Nicholas' Church, Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the glazing scheme of St Nicholas' Church, Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland. Begun in 1958 and executed throughout by Leonard Evetts, the project comprised of forty-six separate donor windows. The scheme was completed with the installation of the final window in 1998 (realised posthumously).

This file contains sketches, detailed designs and commission correspondence relating to various (but not all) of the forty-six windows completed during Evetts' lifetime. The file also includes: letters from schoolchildren (housed in file 14); correspondence with Leonard Evetts' widow relating to a flower festival event which also celebrated a new stained glass window trail (housed in file 15); and a file of photographs (housed in file 16). Two large designs for windows in the clerestory nave (south side), and two large photographs of the Hall and Crotton memorial windows, are housed separately due to their size.

List of windows:
Lady Chapel, a two-light window, installed 1958-59
Three west windows, lower level, installed 1963-64
South wall window, installed 1963-64
Lady Chapel, four windows, installed 1967-68
Nave, two windows, installed 1967-68
Nave, four windows, north side lower level, installed 1971-72
Chancel window, installed 1973-4
The Norman Naizby Hall memorial window, installed 1973-74
South aisle, two windows, lower level, installed 1974-75
West window of five-lights showing Christ in Majesty and the four symbols of the Evangelists, installed 1983
Nave, sixteen Clerestory windows consisting of a series of paired lights illustrating texts from the Old Testament (North Side) and New Testament (South Side) based on the subject of Pilgrimage, installed 1984-89: four windows, installed 1985-86, six windows, installed 1986-87
Chancel, south side, two windows, installed 1988-89
Chancel, north wall, two small windows, installed 1991-92
North Transept wall, one window realised posthumously with the help of Phyl Evetts, installed 1998.

St Michael's Church, Hull.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design of four windows at St Michael's Church, Hull, East Yorkshire, installed in 1960.

The main file contains designs and photographs of the final layout. There are also two large design layouts, housed separately due to their size.

St Michael's Church, Bishop Middleham, County Durham.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to a number of projects at St Michael's Church, Bishop Middleham, County Durham. Leonard Evetts designed and executed the west window of the nave, showing the Archangel Michael, installed in 1956 and a window for the west wall of the north aisle showing the arms of Bishop Antony Bek, also installed 1956 (later moved to the toilet!). Evetts also designed a re-glazing scheme for the east and west windows of the south aisle in plain glass 1963-1965. It is not clear whether these last windows were executed.

The file contains sketches, detailed designs and commission correspondence.

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