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St Paul's Church, Goodmayes, Ilford.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a window in the south wall of the Lady Chapel in St Paul's Church, Goodmayes, Ilford, installed 1980.

The file includes detailed designs, sketches and commission correspondence.

St Paul's Church, Alnwick, Northumberland.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to various projects at St Paul's Church, Alnwick, Northumberland, between 1962-1967. Evetts designed new sconces for existing candlesticks (1963), created designs for new chairs, not executed due to lack of funding (1966) and also offered advice on changes to the electric lighting within the Church (1962).

The file contains sketches and correspondence.

This file was found within a combined file that included work on the Church of John the Baptist, Edlingham, which appears to have been served by the same vicar (see file LE/01/01/136).

St Pancras' Church, Alton Pancras, Dorset, two projects, 1956 and 1964

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of two windows at St Pancras' Church, Alton Pancras. File one relates to a memorial west window for the nave, depicting St Francis preaching to the birds (installed in 1956); file 2 relates to a window in the north wall of the nave, based on 'ones pilgrimage from the material world to the overwhelming acceptance of the Christian faith' (installed in 1964).

Both of these files contains detailed designs, sketches, commission correspondence and photographs. In File 3 there are also two clipped-together descriptions of the windows and their meaning which must have been written later, a letter dated 1980 relating to the design of a window which may not have been executed, and a letter with enclosed photographs to Evett's widow dated March 2000.

St Oswin's Church, Wylam, Northumberland.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a three-light window in the north wall of the Nave of St Oswin’s Church, Wylam, Northumberland, illustrating Psalm 19, dedicated to medical practitioner Edward Anthony Spriggs and his wife Sheila Helen Spriggs, installed 1992.

The main file contains detailed designs, sketches, commission correspondence, photographs and an Order of Service for the dedication of the window, January 1992. In addition there is one oversized file of photographs and designs, housed separately due to size.

St Oswin's Church, Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to the design and execution of a three-light east window (ritual west) in the south wall at St Oswin's R.C. Church, Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, installed 1995.

The main file contains a draft plan and commission correspondence.

St Oswald's Church, Middlesbrough.

Leonard Evetts' project file relating to a number of projects for St Oswald’s Church, Middlesbrough. The projects are: the design of a processional cross and alter frontal, completed 1955-1956; the design of an alms dish, completed 1957-1958; the design and execution of memorial windows in the baptistry, installed 1958-1959.

The file contains designs only. In addition to the main file there is one large rolled design of the processional cross, and one large design (housed flat) of proposed alter ornaments dated 1954.

Results 5881 to 5890 of 37997