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Correspondence regarding book binding

Correspondence giving very detailed accounts of restoration Pybus commissioned on rare books. This includes work done, material used, information about previous bindings and prices. There is also a selection of pages from an old text possibly a copy of the old Boards Lamirite? Works that are directly mentioned include:

Guilielmi Harveii ... Exercitationes anatomicae : de motu cordis et sanguinis circulatione. William Harvey 1578-1657. 1751 (view in library catalogue)

Albertvs Magnvs De secretis mvliervm : item de virtutibus herbarium lapidum et animalium. Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280. Michael Scot ca. 1175-ca. 1234; Albertus, de Saxonia, d. 1390 1655 (view in library catalgue)

The Breviary of healthe for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the which may be in man, or woman doth folowe : expressynge the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latyn, and Barbary in English concernyng phisicke and chierurgerie Andrew Boorde 1490?-1549; Thomas Gallibrad former owner.; Ann Tempest former owner.; James Barlow former owner. 1557 (view in library catalogue)

Medicine in Greek

Harvey : de motu cordis

De morborum & symptomatum differentiis & causis libri sex Galen. Guilielmus Copus d. 1532? 1547 (view in library catalogue)

Correspondence regarding Books

Correspondence regarding the availability of rare books, discussion of The Medical Society exhibition of Pybus' collection - this also contains information on a Doctor based in Glasgow and comes with a photo of Pybus with a committee.

Correspondence regarding cancer research

Considering research impact, and several diagnosis methods concerning mammary cysts and tumours, and treatment "Quinine and urethane". The North of England Council of the British Empire Cancer Campaign meeting invites. Testing for theory for ascorbic acid deficiency in relation to carcinogenesis.

Correspondence regarding cancer research

Correspondence regarding the British Empire Cancer Campaign and donations to Pybus' Cancer Research institute. Pybus' work on myeloma of the tendon sheaths and his time in Alexandria. Includes a photograph of Sir Hector Cameron, surgeon, cutting a cake.

Correspondence regarding cancer research

British Empire Cancer Campaign Advisory Committee appointments, donations to the research, local research getting recognition in council Grants form the British Empire Cancer Campaign, information regarding finance committee, discussion of methods "injection method", "[fluorescence?] method".

Results 5491 to 5500 of 37997