110 Bishopsgate Environmental Statement, Undated
- TF-07861
- File
- Undated [2000] dates assumed based upon project material.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Used as an example for Lots Road Redevelopment project.
110 Bishopsgate Environmental Statement, Undated
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Used as an example for Lots Road Redevelopment project.
11-12 Waterloo Place Working Drawings, June - October 1981
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Contains plan, section and elevation working drawings, along with joinery, door and window details, June - October 1981. Drawing numbers 5000-5100. Contains revisions A-B.
14 photo's: Jack Common photos from childhood to adulthood
Part of Common (Jack) Archive
Part of Common (Jack) Archive
1414 Lee House North Elevation Planter Detail, Revision E, January 1990
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1414 Lee House North Elevation Planter Detail, Revision E; Scale: 1:5 and 1:20; Date; January 1990; TFP Ref: LH-P/A-(23)-521; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 1000mm x 720mm.
1425 Core A Lift Motor Room, Level 18, Sections and Eelevations, Revision D, February 1993
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1425 Core A Lift Motor Room, Level 18, Sections and Eelevations, Revision D; Scale: 1:50; Date: February 1993; TFP Ref: LH-CA(27)-x060; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 950mm x 700mm.
1425 Details Core A Plantroom Details, Revision B, January 1990
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1425 Details Core A Plantroom Details, Revision B Scale: 1:5; Date: January 1990; TFP Ref: LH-CA(27)-x061; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 950mm x 700mm.
1425 Details Level 18 Metal Feature Box, Revision E, January 1990
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1425 Details Level 18 Metal Feature Box, Revision E; Scale: 1:5; Date: January 1990; TFP Ref: LH-CA(27)-x062; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 950mm x 700mm.
1425 Details, Lee House, Vault Level 18 Louvres, Revision A, 28 March 1989
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1425 Details, Lee House, Vault Level 18 Louvres, Revision A; Scale: 1:5; Date: 28 March 1989; TFP Ref: LH-CA(27)-x063; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 950mm x 700mm.
1425 Details, Lee House, Vault Level 18 Louvres, Revision C, 16 January 1990
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Title: 1425 Details, Lee House, Vault Level 18 Louvres, Revision C; Scale: 1:5; Date: 16 January 1990; TFP Ref: LH-CA(27)-x063; Material: Transparent paper; Size: 950mm x 700mm.