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Collection of short stories

Consists of Clean copy typescript of short story The Jarpin. Clean copy typescript of short story The Funeral Party. Annotated manuscripts and typescript for Chopsticks, with alternative title Johnny by Moonlight. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescripts of short story Walter. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in pencil. Annotated typescript of short story The cutting. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. and typescripts of the first pages of The Loneliest Bus Stop in the World, Walter, A Provincial Tragedy, A Field White with Mushrooms and The River.

Collection of short stories

Consists of Clean copy typescript of short story The Master. Clean copy typescript of short story Coal is the Story Annotated typescript of short story The Cage. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue and black ink. Clean copy typescript of short story What men Live For, with marginalia an in blue ink. Clean copy typescript of short story Dusty. Clean copy typescript of On Tempering a Chisel. Printed book copy of short story The Cage. Annotated typescript of short story The Bed. Annotations consist of print copy correction and alterations in black ink and pencil. and annotated typescript of short story Half a Shave. Annotations consist of print copy corrections in pencil. Dated 16 June 1948.

Collection of short stories

Consists of Annotated copy of typescript of the short story The Brass Cannon. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Annotated typescript of short story The Great Aeroplane Race. Annotations consist of change and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Newspaper cutting of short story Homecoming. From a Christmas Extra edition. With drawing by Geoff Howe. Carbon copy annotated typescript of short story Dusty.Annotations consist of changes and correction in blue ink. Draft typescript of first page of A Certificate for Life-Saving. Annotations consist of changes and additions in blue ink. Annotated typescript of short story The Cloth of Kings. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescript and newspaper copies of article A Ring of Burnished Steel. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink. and annotated first to third draft typescripts with handwritten notes for short story Burden of Proof. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Alternative working titles of 'Inadmissable Evidence' and 'The Unpresented Evidence of Miss Adele Fisher.'

Collection of short stories

Consists of Copy annotated typescripts of short story Drowning A Dog. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Annotated typescript of short story The Great Aeroplane Race. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescript of short story The Tartan Suit. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescript of short story The Singing Butcher. Annotations consist of changes in pencil. and an annotated typescript of short story The Strawberry Man. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink.

Collection of short stories

Consists of annotated typescript of short story Half a Guinea, and typescript of short story with 3 titles, The Renegade/Outlaw, The Doctor and the Flying Pitman, or Harry the Flying Pitman.

Collection of short stories

Possibly used for The Bachelor Uncle or In Blackberry Time. Consists of The Berry Holly, The Tramp, All of the Fish that's in the Sea, Over the Top, Chopsticks, A Burden of Proof (two copies), and A Geordie Nativity.

Collection of short stories

Annotated photocopy typescript of short story "A Miners Holiday"; annotations consist of changes in pencil. Annotated typescript of prologue for "A Boy Called Mervin"; annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Annotated typescripts of various pages of unpublished short story "The Company of Noble Gossips"; with alternative title of "The Noble Gossips", annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Typescript of poem/song "Pigeon Cree de Coeur"; based on the short story "Pigeon Cree". Annotated incomplete typescript of untitled piece; annotations consist of print copy corrections in blue ink. The story regards Ned and the Old Man driving to France. Philips Magnetic tape of short stories.

Collection of short stories

Consists of Annotated draft typescripts of short story The Great Aeroplane Race. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Includes the 'penultimate draft' and there are numerous drafts of page 7. Annotated typescript of short story The Berry Holly. Annotations consist of changes in black ink. Annotated draft typescripts of short story The Brass Cannon. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Annotated penultimate draft typescript of short story The Cloth of Kings. Annotations consist of changes and print copy corrections in blue ink and pencil. Clean copy typescript of short story A Certificate for Life-Saving. Annotated penultimate and final draft typescripts of short story The First Nowell. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink, type, and pencil. Annotated typescripts of short story Tom Patrick and Our Cat. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and type. The original working title for this short story was Tom Patrick. Newspaper cutting from the Guardian Northern Accent series of article Keeping the Peace. Newspaper cutting of short story Where is my old friend Bing Crosby tonight? Newspaper cutting from the Sunday Citizen of short story The Wrecker. With drawing by Hofbauer. Newspaper cutting from the Guardian of short story A First Footing. Copy of short story The Country Boys. Annotated newspaper cutting from the Journal Christmas Review of short story The Berry Holly. and clean copy typescript of the first paragraph of The Net.

Collection of short stories

Consists of Annotated typescript of short story Jam Twenty. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink, type and pencil. Annotated draft typescripts of short story A Certificate for Life-Saving. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil Various annotated typescript drafts of short story The Pig Killing. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink and pencil. Includes the first draft. Annotated typescript of short story The Sea Rose. Annotations consist of print copy corrections in pencil. Annotated copy typescript of short story Homecoming. Annotations consist of print copy corrections in pencil. Clean copy and annotated typescripts of The Great Aeroplane Race. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in pencil and blue ink. Appears to have had the alternative title of The Champion. Annotated typescript of short story Tom Patrick. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescripts of short story In Blackberry Time. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Includes two pages of handwritten notes in pencil. Annotated typescripts of unfinished short story Green Boots. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in pencil. Copy of annotated typescript of short story Drowning a Dog. Clean copy typescript and newspaper cuttings from the Journal 23 Dec 1967, of short story The Berry Holly. Annotated first draft and original copy typescripts for short story A First Footing. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. and an annotated page proof of short story The Jarpin pp.3 - 17. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue and red ink.

Collection of short stories

Consists of Annotated typescript of short story The Champion. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescript of short story Six Little Pigs. This was reworked into short story The Pig Killing. Annotations consist print copy corrections in black ink. Clean copy typescript of page 1 - 2 of short story The Homecoming of Uncle Joseph. Annotated typescript of short story The Liar, The Pram and the Crocodile. Annotations consist of print copy corrections in pencil. Clean copy typescript of short story The Bed. Annotated typescript of short story The Plush Lined Ghetto. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Includes handwritten notes on the back of the last sheet. Annotated typescript of short story The Cheviot. Annotations consist of print copy corrections in black ink. From the Third North Countryman 1962. Newspaper cutting of article The Mother… she's the one I am thinking about today. This article is from The Daily Express regarding the aftermath of pit disasters. Newspaper cutting from the Daily Express of article Where the heart is. Newspaper cutting of article A world that I am proud to call my very own. Newspaper cutting of article Sid Chaplin… the man who always had to come home. Annotated newspaper cutting of article Adventurous Eating, with alternative working title of To eat in Fellowship. This article was written for The Guardian as part of the Northern Accent series. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink. Newspaper cutting of article Moment of Glory, regarding the Durham Cathedral Festival of Sound and Light 'Son et Lumiere'. Written for the Guardian as part of the Northern Accent series. Annotated typescripts of short story The Blacksmith's Tale. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in black ink. Newspaper cutting from the Radio Times September 1949 of article The Legacy of D H Lawrence. Magazine pages with short story The Cloth of Kings. Newspaper cutting of short story A Christmas Crutch, written for the Christmas Extra series, 24 December 1973. Newspaper pages from the Northern Echo Christmas Special, with short story The First Nowell. Newspaper cutting from the Guardian of short story A Dog's Life. Newspaper cutting from the Guardian of short story Where is my old friend Bing Crosby tonight? Newspaper cutting from the Guardian of short story A Certificate for lifesaving. Newspaper page from the Guardian with short story Easter 1927. Annotated typescript of introduction to the Banner Exhibition DLI. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in pencil. Annotated typescript of Banner Bright by John Gorman, with introduction by Gwyn A Williams. Annotated typescript of The Durham Coalfield, regarding the history of mining and mining in Durham. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in pencil. Annotated typescript of A short life, regarding Sid's family history and his uncle's journal. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink. Clean copy first draft of A Pattern of Durham Villages. Annotated typescript of "Songs of the Lower Empire, regarding John Bell's Rhymes of Northern Bards Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Some of the pages are photocopies. Annotated typescript of article The Bonny Pit Laddie. Annotations consist of changes and corrections in blue ink. Annotated typescripts of short story The Tramp. Annotations consist of changes in blue ink. Annotated typescript of article The Laughter of the Geordie. This is not the chapter from A Tree with Rosy Apples but a version of the article that was published in the Daily Express as A World that I am proud to call my very own Clean copy typescript of short story The Wrecker. and an annotated typescript of article People in the Pit Villages, regarding Durham pit folk. Annotations consist of additions in blue ink.

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