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Author's proof

Consists of a range of proofs with annotations in red ink by Edna Longley. These highlight print error. There is also a section at the back which has been typed and printed and refers to amendments needed in the main text. There are also several printed sheets that have been added, including notes and acknowledgements.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof that has been corrected by Ruth Padel, there is also a printout of corrections and queries for Neil Astley.

Author's Proof

Consists of page proofs that have been annotated by George Szirtes with corrections.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof annotated in red ink by Clair Wills, highlighting print error and making amendments. There is an added printed section which references specific pages that need changes.

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof with annotations and a added sheet with all corrections noted and described.

Author's proof

Consists of a partial page proof copy with annotations by Stephen Smith, these are hand written and typed, adding corrections and changes. There are also typed poems with this proof.

Results 1801 to 1810 of 38008