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Author's proof

Consists of a proof annotated in pencil by the author, Selima Hill has made changes to the poems and titles, also adding corrections. This is kept in a folded sheet of paper from a calendar with a picture of a sheep.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof that has been annotated by Selima Hill regarding print error and changes.

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof, which Andrew Grieg has removed pages that need corrections and annotated these - they are attached. There is correspondence between Neil Astley and Andrew Greig regarding the attached proof.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof annotated in red ink by Jane Griffiths, focusing on corrections.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof that has been annotated by Jane Griffiths focusing on corrections and additional information such as the dedication.

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof that is annotated by Philip Gross focusing on corrections. There is a cover note and a section added explaining some changes that need to be made.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof with two sections attached regarding corrections and changes.

Results 1761 to 1770 of 38008