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Author's proof

Consists of a proof which has had material added to it, there is the note "These proofs are in a mess autor correx and bits missing. Do you have a clean set I cacopy - [ ] went [ ] proof and [ ] out Monday to [ ]".

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof that has been corrected by George Szirtes, he has also added a dedication. There are three sheets out of sequence at the front of the proof and a cover letter regarding corrections written by George Szirtes to Neil Astley.

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof that has been annotated by Edna Longley with corrections. These are the first proofs - indicated by a note.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof that has been annotated by Sarah Wardle focusing on print error and some changes to the poems.

Author's Proof

Consists of page proofs that have been corrected by Sarah Wardle, included is a cover letter for these and Book Contract Notice.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof annotated in black ink by John Hartley Williams. Poems have been added and amended and also a later proof has been added making this proof out of sequence.

Author's proof

Consists of a page proof copy with annotations in pencil written by Glyn Wright. A considerable amount of information has been added, including the acknowledgements and dedication. Other annotations change poems and highlight print error.

Author's Proof

Consists of a proof that has been annotated and added to by Frieda Hughes, she has made corrections and added information on separate sheets.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof with annotations in red ink written by Sylvia Kantaris. The annotations directly address Neil Astley regarding editorial decisions, changes and correct print error.

Author's Proof

Consists of a page proof annotated by Jackie Kay, with some highlighted areas done by Neil Astley. This focuses on print error and some changes. A postcard from Jackie Kay to Neil Astley is also attached thanking him for his help with the poems.

Results 1731 to 1740 of 38008