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Audio Recording of Sir Liam's Appearance on BBC Radio 4 Documentary Could Shipman Happen Again?

Analysis presented by Ann Alexander, a former solicitor who represented the families of a number of Dr Harold Shipman's victims, into the existing potential for health care professionals to harm patients and how the system has changed since the General Practioner's murder convictions in January 2000.

Sir Liam discusses the reaction of the medical profession to his special report Good Doctors, Safer Patients , and how he viewed the need for changes to medical regulation and revalidation within the entire spectrum of patient safety. Also includes comment from Labour MP Alan Milburn, former Secretary of State for Health (1999 - 2003).

Running time 31:30. Sir Liam's appearance 00:17:20 - 00:18:07.

Audio recording of Sir Liam's appearance on BBC Radio 4 documentary Scarily Good Health

Analysis of health-scares propogated by the health care industry into people's lifestyle and eating habits, whether they have any basis to them and whether this detracts from more prevelant health issues, such as communicable diseases.

Sir Liam gives his expert medical opinion, arguing that while information overload does feed the public undertanding of risk, politicians and health professionals need to be more open where uncertainty exists. He also warns that some of the polluting effects of global warming have had a negative impact on the spread of communicable diseases.

Audio recording of Sir Liam's appearance on BBC Radio 4 programme Start the Week

Conisists of 30 minute panel discussion programme presented by Andrew Marr, featuring Sir Liam, novelist William Boyd, broadcaster John Micklethwait, and journalist Polly Toynbee. Each offers predictions for the coming years; Sir Liam's being the inevitably of another influenza pandemic. Discusses historical trends, the need for good planning to mitigate harm, public and political reactions to pandemics, and what the UK is doing to prepare.

Other health issues discussed include stem cell research, Sir Liam's perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the NHS and reforms during his time as Chief Medical Officer, and the 'Nanny State' in relation to healthy lifestyles.

Audio recording of Sir Liam's appearance on part 4 of BBC Radio 4 documentary Building a Healthier Britain

Analysis of the effects of social status on health and mortality, epidemiological research indicating the contributing factors to these disparities and how they can be challenged. Includes a look at Sir Michael Marmot's Whitehall I and II studies; linking civil servants job grades to stress and subsequent ill health.

Sir Liam emphasises the need for cross-government policies and working to reduce health inequalities, including improving employment, education opportunities and environmental factors both centrally and locally.

Running time 27:47. Sir Liam's appearances at 15:39 - 17:40 and 26:40 - 27:13.

Audio Recording of Sir Liam's Appearances on the BBC Radio 4 Documentaries The Expert Patient

Consists of analysis in two parts into the NHS Expert Patient Programme (EPP). Part one examines what the programme entails and how it has developed. Part two considers whether it has been successful and the response from health professionals. Both include contributions from patients and health care professionals.

Sir Liam appears in part one, in which he considers the radical nature of the scheme, recalls how a consultant's comment as a medical student caused him to develop the work done internationally and how it could benefit both patients and the health service.

Part one running time 30:26; part two running time 27:46.

Audio Recording of the British Association of Medical Manager's songSeize the Day

Original song written and recorded by delegates at the British Association of Medical Manager's (BAMM) 2003 Fit to Lead Conference. Intended as an exercise in what can be achieved with creativity, teamwork and determination from doctors in senior leadership positions in the NHS. Features Sir Liam on tambourine and hand-claps.

Running time 05:35.

Results 1661 to 1670 of 38008