Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), February 1984
- TF-00835
- File
- Feb-84
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Article about TVAM Studios, p34-44.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), February 1984
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Article about TVAM Studios, p34-44.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), July 1981.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
A reprint of a special feature on the Alexandra Pavilion project in London, page 99-102.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), March 1983
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Alexandra Pavilion and Clifton Nurseries, Covent Garden, p99-109.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), Number 138, March 1982
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Wood Green northern industrial development, p36-42.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), Number 155, August 1983
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
'Two Operations Centre,' article about the Thames Water Authority building, Reading, p84-90.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), Number 208, January 1988
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
'Henley Royal Regatta new headquarters', p23-30.
Architecture and Urbanism (a + u), Number 231, December 1989
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Lengthy feature on Sir Terry Farrell, contains articles on Tobacco Dock shopping village -50-65, Comyn Ching Triangle development, p66-77, Henley Regatta building, p78-85, TVAM building, p86-95, Fenchurch Street, p96-103, Embankment Place, p104-109, Alban Gate, p110-115, Vauxhall Cross, p116-122, South Bank, p122-127, Hungerford Wharf walkway, 128-132.
Architecture and Urbanism (a+u), Number 434, November 2006
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Green and Pleasant Land: A new kind of national park in the Thames Gateway', article about the possibility of Sir Terry Farrell's masterplan and challenges it faces, p122-127.
Architecture and Urbanism, RIBA, 22 October 1985.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
A small planning file for the lecture, mainly slide lists and details.
Architecture Club File, 1993-1994.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive