Urban Design Group File, 1993-2006.
- TF-07357
- File
- 1993-2006
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Urban Design Group File, 1993-2006.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Urban Design Group File, 1987-2001.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
A general file containing event information as well as general items of interest in relation to Sir Terry Farrell's membership of the Urban Design Alliance.
Urban Design Group File, 1985-1992.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
A mixed correspondence and administration File, containing correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, conference papers, and files relating to Urban Design Group competition panels.
Urban Design Group and Future of Practice Planning File, 2006-2008.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Relating to Sir Terry Farrell's role as member of the Urban Design Group. Sir Terry served as President 1985-1989. He afterwards remained an active member, and served on their Board of Patrons - helping promote the group's goals to a wide audience nationally and internationally. Sir Terry was awarded a UDG Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.
Urban Design Concept Sketches, 1991-1992
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Size: 300mm x 960mm; Material: Transparent Paper. 9 Items, as follows:
1: Entrances to Site
2: Space Positive
Urban Design and Briefing Documents File, 10 October 2002 - 24 October 2006
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Also includes Individual Unit Plan document for Market Tower Residential, Block C.
Urban Design Analysis Drawing File
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Urban Design Alliance Files, 1997-1998.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Urban Design Alliance files as follows:
File 1: Launch, December 1997
File 2: December 1997-December 1998
Urban Area Development Reports, 1996-2011.
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
Various reports relating to urban area development and public space, 2003-2011. These were originally housed within the Thames Gateway project boxes and are assumed to have been used by the Farrells team to inform this project.