Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Elizabeth Spence Watson
- SW/1/10/21
- Item
- 6 May 1905
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning Watson’s health and situation in Russia.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Elizabeth Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning Watson’s health and situation in Russia.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Elizabeth Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning the Russian Revolution and his family’s plans to return to home.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Robert Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning the treatment of Russian political prisoners in Siberia, the subject of a report in The Times and urging Watson to start a campaign to put pressure on Russia.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Robert Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning the arrest of Tchaykovsky and the subsequent action he should make to raise awareness of this.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Robert Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning his recent circular and the plight of Russian political prisoners.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Robert Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning the St Petersburg massacre and his feelings about the revolution in Russia.
Letter from Peter Kropotkin to Robert Spence Watson
Part of Spence Watson/Weiss Papers
Concerning the imminent marriage of his daughter, Sasha and his proposed stay in Ravello, Italy for his health over the winter.