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Newcastle University
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Academic Records

Covers Loebl's academic career from his BSc in Electrical Engineering (awarded 1949 by King's College, Durham University, now part of Newcastle University), MPhil (awarded 1978 by Durham University), Phd (awarded 1985 by Newcastle University) and a series of lecture courses on Jewish history which Loebl delivered at Newcastle University in the 1980s. Contains certificates and degree ceremony photographs, early student notebooks on electrical engineering, research notes and source material relating to his doctoral thesis and Jewish history research.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2009

Third 6 monthly report. Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;



Patient Safety;

Folic Acid;


Women Doctors;

Inauguration as Chancellor of Newcastle University;


MMR Vaccine;


And chronic pain.

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