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File of foreign language articles
File of foreign language articles
File of Financial Documents
File of Financial Documents
File of published material
File of published material
File of Photographs
File of Photographs
Miscellaneous notes
Miscellaneous notes
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Photographs and notes of Thomas Baker Brown's trip to France, 1960
Photographs and notes of Thomas Baker Brown's trip to France, 1960
Correspondence and notes relating to organisation of tour of France, 1926
Correspondence and notes relating to organisation of tour of France, 1926
Photograph album of visit to France, 1926
Photograph album of visit to France, 1926
Correspondence between Sunderland Polytechnic and Thomas Baker Brown
Correspondence between Sunderland Polytechnic and Thomas Baker Brown
Results 1 to 10 of 14666