Newcastle University Computing Laboratory Research Papers ARM Series
- BR/3/19/2
- Subseries
- Apr 1979 - Apr 1987
Newcastle University Computing Laboratory Research Papers ARM Series
Newcastle University Computing Laboratory Research Papers Parallel Processing Memoranda (PPM) Series
Newcastle University Computing Laboratory Research Papers LVM Series
Newcastle University Computing Laboratory Technical Memoranda
Numbered set of publications by Professor Randell
The Origins Of Digital Computers: Selected Papers
Correspondence and other records relating to "The Origins of Digital Computers: Selected Papers", by Professor Randell (Springer, first edition, second edition 1975, third edition 1982).
Photographs relating to ' The Colossus'
Photographs relating to article by Professor Randell on The Colossus, included in A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century, editors J Howlett, G-C Rota, Academic Press, New York, 1980. The photographs were all found in an envelope marked "Colossus Photographs" (except for BR/3/21/1/9 and 10).