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Consists of letters and proofs relating to poetry works published by Bloodaxe Books.

Marketing, Sales and Publicity

Consists of documents relating to the marketing of Bloodaxe Books, its authors and its published material.

It was decided that marketing material related to one specific publication would be catalogued within it's own file or sub-series.

Administration and Management

Consists of documents relating to the management of Bloodaxe Books. This includes property information because of the small amount of material accrued relating to the Bloodaxe Books premises and Rights management of published works.

Newcastle based literary events

Consists of records relating to events that do not relate directly to Bloodaxe Books, that Neil Astley has contributed to. These include readings at Morden Tower and the Newcastle 900 Festival.

Employment with English Electric Company

From 1957 until 1964 Professor Randell was employed in the Atomic Power Division of the English Electric Company Ltd, Whetstone, Leicester, including working on compilers for the ALGOL 60 language. For records relating to occasional consultancy to International Computers Limited (ICL), a successor to English Electric Computers, see BR/16

Researcher at International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

From 1964 to 1969 Professor Randell worked for IBM at the T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, and later in California, working on computer architectures, and on operating systems and system design methodology. Some items dating from after 1969 but relating to series begun while Professor Randell was at IBM have been included here.

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