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Joseph Crawhall Archives
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Letter from Andrew Tuer to Joseph Crawhall II

Tuer writes about the terms of a volume Crawhall wants to publish. Tuer asks Crawhall to value his work and to give his thoughts on using varied texture paper in the printed book. Written from 50, Leadenhall Street, London.

Letter from Andrew Tuer to Joseph Crawhall II

Tuer writes to propose terms for the publication of Crahwall's volume. He also asks for Crawhall's ideas upon selling price and the number of copies that should be printed initially. Written from 50, Leadenhall Street, London.

Letter from Andrew Tuer to Joseph Crawhall II

Tuer writes to discuss corrections for a volume Crawhall wishes to publish, and stresses the importance of keeping printing costs low. He also suggests a new material for binding the book, called 'Silk Morocco', and includes scraps of the fabric with the letter. Written from 50, Leadenhall Street, London.

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