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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
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Receipt for The breviarie of health : wherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases the which may be in man or woman : expressing the obscure termes of Greeke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie ... : now newly corrected and amended ... Andrew Boorde 1490?-1549. Charles Lilburn former owner.; Wililam H. Bennett former owner. 1598 (view in library catalogue)


"Receipt for Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis Thomas Sydenham 1624-1689 (1693) - possible library catalogue entries."


Receipt for Andreae Caesalpini ... Quaestionum peripateticarum lib. V ... : Daemonum investigatio peripatetica ... Secunda editio. Quaestionum medicarum libri II. De medicament. facultatibus lib. II. ... Nunc primum editi. Andrea Cesalpino 1524 or 5-1603. Herbert Jones 19th cent., former owner. 1593 (view in library catalogue)

De aure humana tractatus : in quo integra ejusdem auris fabrica, multis novis inventis, & iconismis illustrata, desoribitur Antonio Maria Valsalva 1666-1723. 1704 (view in library catalogue)

and Hunter (several catalogue entries).


"Receipt for The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body Matthew Baillie [several library catalogue entries], Pettigrew Biographical, [transactions of a ?]."


Receipt for Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses with observations and inquiries thereupon Robert Hooke 1635-1703. 1665 (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for Aristotle's Compleat and experienc'd midwife : in two parts ... Aristotle, pseud. William Salmon 1644-1713; Bellasis, former owner. 1749] 10th ed.. (view in library catalogue)

A treatise on the high operation for the stone : with XVII copper-plates William Cheselden 1688-1752. 1723 (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for Abernethy (several library catalogue entries)

Addison (several library catalogue entries)

Observations on the nature and cure of dropsies : and particularly on the presence of the coagulable part of the blood in dropsical urine : to which is added, an appendix, containing several cases of angina pectoris, with dissections, etc. John Blackall 1771-1860. 1813 (view in library catalogue)

An account of the diseases, natural history, and medicines of the East Indies Jacobus Bontius 1592-1631. 1769 (view in library catalogue)


An essay on the art of healing : in which pus laudabile or matter, as also incarning and cicatrising, and the causes of various diseases, are endeavoured to be accounted for both from nature and reason John Freke 1688-1756. 1748 (view in library catalogue)


Morton (several library catalogue entries)

Parkinson (several library catalogue entries)

Snow (two library catalogue entries)

Sydenhem (several library catalogue entries)


Results 201 to 210 of 1242