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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
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Receipt for Aponensis, Bidloo (possibly Godefridi Bidloo ... Anatomia hvmani corporis, centum & quinque tabvlis, per artificiosiss Govard Bidloo 1649-1713. Gérard de Lairesse 1640-1711. 1685)



Deventer (several library catalogue entries)



Glisson (several catalogue entries)

Harvey (several catalogue entries)



Worm (possibly Museum Wormianum : seu historia rerum rariorum, tam naturalium, quam artificialium, tam domesticarum, quam exoticarum, quae hasniae danorum in aedibus authoris fervantur Olao Worm fl. 1655 1655)

Albinus (several library catalogue entries)


Bell (several catalogue entries)

Bonet (possibly Sepulchretum sive anatomia practica : ex cadaveribus morbo denatis... Théophile Bonet 1620-1689. 1679), Hippocrates (several catalogue entries)




Park (possibly Cases of the excision of carious joints H. Park (Henry), 1745-1831. James Jeffray 1759-1848; P. F Moreau 1806).


Receipt for Commentaries on the history and cure of diseases William Heberden 1710-1801. William Heberden 1767-1845. 1802 (view in library catalogue) and Medical observations and inquiries 1763 - 62 (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for 7 items, including "An address of welcome delivered on the occasion of the centenary festival of the Royal college of surgeons of England ... July 26, 1900 : to which is appended a short biographical account of each of the sixty-one surgeons who have been masters or presidents of the college during the one hundred years of its existence" (view in library catalogue) .


Receipt for "Exercitationes de generatione animalium : quibus accedunt quaedam de partu : de membranis ac humoribus uteri : & de conceptione" (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for items "A treatise on the venereal disease" 2nd edition (view in library catalogue)

"The natural history of the human teeth : explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases …" (view in library catalogue)

"Observations on certain parts of the animal œconomy" (view in library catalogue)

Sydenham's "Opera omnia" (two versions of this are available in the collection) and Sydenham's "Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis" (two versions of this are available in the collection).


"Receipt for item Monographie des dermatoses, ou, Précis théorique et pratique des maladies de la peau Jean-Louis-Marie Alibert 1768-1837. T. Carson former owner. 1832 (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for item Catoptrum microcosmicum : suis aere incisis visionibus splendens, cum historia, & pinace, de novo prodit Johann Remmelin 1583-1632. 1619 (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for items [Avicenna -Opera medic vol 2]

[Bontius - de medicina ind.]

New experiments physico-mechanical: touching the air, Robert Boyle 1627-1691. Robert Sharrock 1630-1684 1682 The third edition : whereunto is added a defence of the author's explication of the experiments, against the objections of Franciscus Linus and, Thomas Hobbs...

Opuscoli di fisica animale, et vegetabile dell Abate Spallanzani ... : aggiuntevi alcune lettere relative ad essi opuscoli dal celebre signor Bonnet di Ginevra, e da altri scritte all ̕autore Lazzaro Spallanzani 1729-1799. Bonnet di Ginevra 1776 (view in library catalogue)

Guidon in cirugia : inventario : over collectorio universalissimo de tutte le cose notabele delli antiquissimi medici Hebrei, Greci, Latini, & Arabi, spectante alla arte cyrugical ... : composto, & ingeniosamente compilado nello anno della incarnatione del nostro Redemptor mille tresento, & sesanta tre ... : novissimamente per lindustria de Cesaro Arrivabeno ... da persone docte con gran diligentia revisto, distincto, & appontado, anci con piu exemplari antiqui de parola in parola scontrado, & alla soa pristina integrita reducto ... Guy, de Chauliac, ca. 1300-1368. 1521 (view in library catalogue)

De' morbi de' denti e delle gengie : dotrina del celeb Joseph Jacob Plenck Ritter von, 1738-1807. 1781 ( (view in library catalogue)

Results 1041 to 1050 of 1242