Neill, Patrick, 1776-1851, naturalist
Nelson, Horatio, 1758-1805, Viscount Nelson, Vice Admiral
Nemes-Nagy, Ágnes, 1922-1991, poet
Agnes Nemes Nagy (1922-1991) is one of Europe's major modern poets. Co-editor of New Moon, the most important literary magazine in Hungary after the War, her own work was banned and the magazine closed in the 1950s, but both have had a lasting effect on later generations.
Neruda, Pablo, 1904-1973, poet and politician, formerly Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was born Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto in Parral, Chile.
New Business North, 1981 - 1990
Newcastle Technology Centre, unknown